Have you ever wondered what it takes to live your best life? It seems like the day-to-day stressors are about to overtake you – maybe they already have overtaken you. You struggle to sleep, to step away from stress. When those emotions rise up you say or do things you wish you hadn’t.
Sometimes (maybe even all the time) you don’t know what emotions you’re even having. You beat yourself up about your failures. You are often saying, “I should do…” or “I should feel…” or “I should’ve…” Fill in the blank. There are so many “shoulds.”
Sometimes adulting just feels like too much. Another responsibility. Another deadline. Another fight with a friend or partner. Another kid melt-down in Target. Another, another, another. And of course, just when it’s most overwhelming, Aunt Flo shows up. For the love of Pete, you feel like you can’t catch a break and get some relief. You’re not suicidal, but you sure wish Jesus would come on back already.
“Pray more,” “read more,” and “fast more” aren’t enough. You know the Holy Spirit is active and you totally believe the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 is possible, but you have no idea how to get there. “What is the abundant life Jesus talked about and how do I actually live it?” you ask yourself.
There are Practical Tools That You Can Use!
The great news is there are practical tools you can use to help you weather the day-to-day gunk of life and access the abundant life Christ talks about in the Gospel of John. Learn to hear the Holy Spirit in your life with actual, practical steps. Learn to parse out what you’re feeling. Learn to manage the stress that living this life brings. Learn to have deep, meaningful relationships. This is not “take two Scriptures and call me in the morning.” This course blends Scripture with research-proven skills to help you actually live a life worth living.
This online course is built for your busy life. Unlike in person courses you can do this course at your pace, any time of day. Lunch time work? After the kids are in bed? While your kiddo is at soccer practice? Before they day’s classes start in college? 3AM when your body wakes you up for no apparent reason (thanks being over 40!)? Sitting on the beach during vacation? Yes to all of that. Any time, anywhere you will have access to the course to do it at the best time for you.
This comprehensive course consists of eight, eight-week modules – 64 total lessons! When you start the course week one and all its resources are right there, ready for you. Each week a new lesson will be available, allowing you to really soak in the material and try out these new skills of yours. And once you finish all the modules it will be there for you to go back and look at any time you need it. Can’t remember a skill? No sweat! Log back into that account and go to that week. Want do go through the course again? Cool! It will be right there for you to do that.
In-person courses like this cost $1500 or more – and you have to be available at the time of the course and you have to get yourself there. This fully online, do when it fits your schedule course is $997 if paid in full at registration. Need a payment plan? You can also do $255 a month over four months. If you register within the next 30 days you also get immediate access to one of my very favorite skills to help you de-stress when it all hits the fan!
Sign up below!